Kid City Rocks Next Fest LA

On Sunday May 5th, I got the opportunity to attend Next Fest LA in Pomona and show my support for Kid City and four Kid City bands: The Dawgz, The Remaining Few, Emily’s Haunt and the Street Side Jazz.

One of the bands I was impressed with were "The Dawgs". The incredible concert took more than a month to prepare and rehearse, and it was put together by Matthew Proft and Alvaro Cuellar. Due to their excellent leadership, the band’s performance was fantastic. Without their assistance and, of course, the students who performed on stage, this concert would not have been possible and successful. 

Thanks to the tickets that NextFestLA kindly donated I was able to bring my two friends and we had a great time watching the show. The show was so great that it drew the attention of attendees at The LA County Fair, bringing friends and family together for the occasion. 

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Unlocking Potential: My Journey to Higher Education

Azucena is a current 4th year student at UCLA majoring in Public Affairs and is interested in working in the public sector. Passionate about community development, Azucena has been involved in social equity efforts to advance and advocate for vulnerable populations. She is a development intern with Kid City, where she has helped produce fundraising communications. Azucena looks forward to continuing efforts for social development in the Bay Area.

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Career Fair 2024

On Saturday March 23, 2024, I volunteered at Kid City's career fair for the first time. As a senior at CSUDH with a major in Psychology and minor in Business Management, I'm still unsure about which career path I want to pursue. Speaking with a few professionals during my visit gave me insight into their respective fields of expertise. Speaking with a professional can be beneficial to learn more details about a certain field and hear about the advantages and disadvantages of a position or field. This helps students like me have a better understanding of what a profession requires and helps us determine if it's something that we see ourselves doing.





Professionals sharing career insights with high school students.
Annual Career Conference 2024!

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DSIG Program

My name is Astrid Herrera. I am an undocumented and a DACA student at CSU Dominguez Hills. I am a senior pursuing a bachelor’s in Psychology and a minor in Business Management. I am a current volunteer at Kid City Hope Place enrolled through the DSIG program. I learned about this program from the Immigration Center at my campus and they were able to guide me through the steps on how to apply. This is my second semester volunteering at Kid City and so far, I’ve had a great experience as I’ve had the chance to meet new people and learn new skills. I’ve helped with research on certain topics, projects, and live events. I highly recommend to those who qualify to take advantage of this great opportunity, for further questions please contact your campus’ immigration center, also known as the dreamer center, for more guidance. 

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Celebrating Kid City's Quince


On Saturday November 4, 2023, I attended my first Kid City fundraising event as an intern. It was my first time meeting the people who support, work, volunteer, and are involved in this program.

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2023 College 4 All Advocacy Day Recap

For the first time since 2019, the College 4 ALL Coalition embarked on an Advocacy Day

Sep 8, 2023

For the first time since 2019, the College4ALL Coalition embarked on an Advocacy Day, where students, teachers, and community leaders came together in Sacramento to advocate for food security for students, streamlining transfer student procedures, limit willful defiance suspensions, and more.   

Written by: Yamileth Lares, Kid City Hope Place 

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The Clean and Green Dream: Internship experience at LACI By Erick Hernandez

Although college is often credited as one of the most influential factors in a young person’s life, internships don’t receive nearly as much credit as they should for the value they carry. Internships allow students to discover their passions, gain field experience, and create networking connections for future job opportunities.

Learn More about LACI on their website: Los Angeles Cleanteach Incubator and read about Erick's experience with LACI!






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Christopher's Advice for Class of 2022

You should all be proud that you have made it this far. In this age of uncertainty, you have continued to push through and are now taking the step to move up towards the next stage in your career. In preparation for the upcoming opportunities and experiences, I offer my own advice, which I hope can help you all in one way or another.  These are…
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I’m Getting College Acceptances, Now What?


To the class of 2022, we are so immensely proud of you! Every single one of you were able to get through the trial and tribulations of applying to college -during pandemic! Another senior class defining newer and higher standards. Now that you are all done with college applications, you will soon be choosing a college!

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Ordinary Hope in Extraordinary Times: Tips for First-time Online College Students


Online Learning is hard! We get it. Here are some tips curated by Kimberly Travieso, a 2nd year college student at Cal State Los Angeles.

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